INTERCEPT A BOMBING RAID ON BERLIN On March 18, the Eighth Air Force launched its heaviest attack in the war on Berlin, sending over 1,300 bombers to aid the Russian army's advance from the east. JG 7 responded by sending up 37 Me262s, losing two of these to defensive bomber fire. The jets' tactics seemed almost suicidal, as they pressed their attacks to point-blank range. At least five heavies were claimed by the jets, while Berlin's flak claimed another 19 bombers destroyed, with 16 more so damaged they had to make emergency landings behind Russian lines. YOUR MISSION As part of a combined effort between J.G.7's Me 262 interceptors and the Me 163s of 1./JG 400, you are to intercept the stream of B-17s approaching various targets in Berlin. Stay in tight formation as your flight leader takes your schwarm of Komets up from Doberitz airfield, climbing to 30,000 feet. Then level out and glide to your vectored interception point, hitting the bombers with a head-on attack. Use your SG 500 vertically firing rockets to disable a bomber on your first pass. The Me 262s from J.G.7 are approach- ing the B-17s from the northeast, so be aware of their presence as you make sub- sequent passes at the bombers.